Home > Artworks > Nilton Vela Dámaso

Photo of Nilton Vela Dámaso Peru

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Nilton Gonzalo Vela Damaso. The artist tries to describe the art as an expression that encompasses every thought and imagination.

His painting sets an attempt to approach, from their perspective, the symbolic expression of the Andean world, bifurcated worldview, myths and legends. Thus, lightning, suns, amarus, rivers, mountain lion eyes, devils and ghosts, are mixed in pictorial imagery, sometimes figurative...

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See everything we offer you!
18.90 x 18.90 in
24.80 x 24.80 in
70.87 x 43.31 in
43.31 x 35.43 in
27.56 x 29.53 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
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Nilton Gonzalo Vela Damaso. The artist tries to describe the art as an expression that encompasses every thought and imagination.

His painting sets an attempt to approach, from their perspective, the symbolic expression of the Andean world, bifurcated worldview, myths and legends. Thus, lightning, suns, amarus, rivers, mountain lion eyes, devils and ghosts, are mixed in pictorial imagery, sometimes figurative and others, abstract, through the techniques of oil, acrylic, mixed media and illustrated art not to lose sight of the possibilities of art conteporaneo.


2007 - Youth Art - Gallery "Francisco Montoya" INC PUNO

Arial "> 2008 - Youth Art II - Puno Casa del Corregidor

2009 - Candela "Angels and Demons" - Casa de la Cultura Puno


· normal "> 2004 - "Reflections" Expo. Arts

Art Gallery Henry Masias Portugal "ESFA PUNO

· normal "> 2006 - "Gathering of Artists"

Art Gallery Henry Masias Portugal "ESFA PUNO

CEO of Art and Folklore Puno

· normal "> 2006 - "Valuing Our Art"

Art Gallery Riquelme Francisco Montoya "INC-PUNO

· 2007 - "International Museum Day" Painting Exhibition

Museo Carlos Dreyer Puno.

· 2007 - "Group Kantatiri Sartañani" I

justify, text-indent: 35.4pt "> CEO of Art and Folklore Puno

· 2007 - Sartañani Kantatiri Group "II

Puno Municipal Art Gallery

text-align: justify; text-indent:-18pt; line-height: normal "> · 2007 - "Plastic Exhibition"

Art Gallery Rubina Carlos Burgos ESFA Puno

· font-weight: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal "> 2008 - "Art Expo" March 6

Art Gallery Rubina Carlos Burgos ESFA Puno

· 2008 - "Plastic Exhibition"

Art Gallery of Alliance Francaise Cusco

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